Renowned Estonian artist Andrei Lobanov donated a stained-glass window to Trinity Church
Trinity Church.
"The Savior Almighty."
Andrei Lobanov, a well-known Estonian artist with Russian roots, whose stained-glass windows, frescoes, and mosaics decorate churches, churches and homes in Estonia, Russia, Italy, England, Ukraine, Spain, and France, has once again arrived in Yaroslavl. Six years ago his work appeared in the Church of Peter and Paul in Yaroslavl. But now it is not the only work of the master in our land.
On Thursday, June 27, in the Church of the Intercession of the Theotokos in the village of Tolgobol was installed altarpiece "Savior on the Throne. It took the artist Andrei Lobanov and the craftsman Andrei Ponomarev about six months to create it. First we made a sketch, then we chose glass for a long time.
- I, like any artist, need a palette. Only it is much more difficult to assemble a glass palette. I can proudly say that I've brought here this stained glass window, made of the best glass, - says the stained glass artist. - In the new stained glass window in Yaroslavl there is glass from Russia, America, from two plants in Germany, three plants in Sweden, and so on. Friendship of peoples, in general.